Among the unsung heroes, headquartered in High School Excellence haf-Sa (SMAUSA) Zainul Hasan, there is one child who became the spotlight of superior, because of the policy, authority and attitude shown. Want to know who ...? Who else if not our Headmaster Mr. Agus Suprayogi leader SMAUSA inception in 2001.
Blood of Malang exact birth date of October 10, 1959 has been served at Zainul Hasan Genggong boarding school for approximately 22 year. Although he spent his education in Malang, from kindergarten, primary school, technical school (STM) to college, he wanted to devote ourselves dipondok boarding school until retirement. This is evidenced by his motto "Working As good as probably To Worship". Therefore, he aspires to promote superior quality schools.
Today, these ideals have not emerged because of labor problems of the sector, he stated clearly. But his spirit continues to burn, he will not give up, strategies are always designed for the betterment of all of this.
In view of his spirit, he gave the message that we are always compact and mutual respect to each other. Superior high school, judging from its name, the students also have to excel ... Yes too...!
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